
36 Best Blog Niches That Actually Make Money

Are you in need of a few blog niche ideas for your next online business venture?

Blogging is one of the most effective forms of content marketing. It allows you to create a hub for content related to your niche that’s free from the algorithms built by social media platforms.

In this post, we’re breaking down the best blog niches that actually make money.

The best profitable blog niche ideas

To uncover the most profitable blog niches, we used Google Trends to pick and arrange our primary categories. This tool lets you view the level of interest a topic has had in Google Search over a specified period of time.

We’re using data from the last five years, and the level of interest is rated on a scale from 0 to 100.

We also used Google Keyword Planner to gauge the range of monthly searches each niche falls into as well as its cost-per-click (CPC).

CPC is the amount advertisers pay per click they receive when they choose to advertise their web pages to specific keywords in Google Ads.

While this doesn’t help you determine exactly how much you’ll make from each niche, it does tell you how much advertisers are willing to pay to appear in search results related to a particular niche.

The higher they’re willing to pay in Google Ads, the more they’ll be willing to pay for sponsored posts.

Here are the categories we chose:

  • Food
  • Beauty
  • Real estate
  • Marketing
  • Business
  • Health and wellness
  • Web design
  • Technology
  • Education
  • Gaming
  • Sales
  • Fashion

Note: The niches covered in this post are still fairly top-level. Use this as a rough guide but be sure to drill down and get even more specific. For example, a blog about starting a business is still fairly generic. So, you could choose to blog about a starting a specific type of business (e.g. SaaS).

Food niches


The food niche as a whole is a profitable niche that has had a consistent level of interest over the last five years. Interest has remained in the 70s and higher during that time period.

1. Coffee

Avg. Monthly Searches: 1 million – 10 million | CPC: $1.72 – $7.87

Coffee blogs cover coffee reviews, city guides that focus on coffee spots and news from the coffee industry.

Blogs in this blog niche idea mostly monetize their content with custom sidebar ads, as opposed to ads that get inserted by an ad network.

2. Chinese food

Avg. Monthly Searches: 1 million – 10 million | CPC: $1.16 – $9.05

Chinese food blogs write articles about Chinese recipes, ingredients and cooking methods.

They monetize their blogs with ads from ad networks, affiliate links, cooking courses and cookbooks.

3. Mexican food

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $0.20 – $2.35

Mexican food blogs share detailed, step-by-step recipes for all courses.

They mostly monetize their blogs with display ads from ad networks but also create their own products, like cookbooks, and use affiliate links.


Beauty niches


The beauty niche has had a consistently high level of interest over the last five years, only faltering for a moment in the fall of 2020. Its interest primarily in the 70s on Google Trends’ chart.

4. Hair care

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $1.29 – $7.80

Hair care blogs publish reviews of hair care products, style tips, Instagram tricks to make your hairstyle stand out in photos and similar topics.

They monetize their content with their own hair care products, ads and affiliate links. Blogs owned by hair stylists even host classes and publish books.

5. Eye makeup

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.63 – $8.52

Beauty blogs who cover eye makeup usually cover topics like lash tutorials, eye shadow reviews and eye care.

The most popular blogs in this niche are eye makeup brands who happen to have a blog, but like most beauty bloggers, eye makeup bloggers are able to monetize their content with affiliate links and ads.

6. Skincare

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $0.84 – $5.29

Skincare blogs cover guides on how to rid the skin of common (and not so common) skin conditions, general skincare tips and product recommendations.

They monetize their blogs with typical monetization methods like affiliate marketing but also offer their own skincare products and services.


Real estate niches


Real estate may not be as popular of a topic as it was a few years ago, but interest on Google has remained above 50 over the last five years. Interest also has a trend of dropping in November of almost every year, so watch out for that.

7. Real estate agents

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $5.50 to $18.29

Blogs for real estate agents publish tips for fellow real estate professionals, sharing everything from tips on getting a real estate license to marketing your services on social media.

Many bloggers in this niche offer online courses and coaching.

8. Home renovations

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $3.49 – $14.07

Home renovation blogs share tips and tutorials on how to complete certain projects and achieve room designs and publish product reviews. They also share their own adventures in home renovation.

They host online courses, use affiliate links and accept sponsorship deals.

9. Home improvement

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $1.98 – $6.70

Home improvement blogs share DIY tips and tutorials on how to fix structures and appliances typically found around the home as well as how to maintain them all.

Because this niche is similar to the home renovations niche, it uses much of the same revenue models: affiliate marketing, online courses and sponsors.


Marketing niches


Marketing’s increase in interest is gradually on the rise. Even so, it still has a consistent and sudden drop in interest at the end of December.

10. Email marketing

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $11.00 – $53.85

The email marketing niche is incredibly small and oversaturated with email marketing companies who have blogs. Most other blogs who cover email marketing also cover all other areas of marketing as well.

Of those that do cover email marketing, they usually review email marketing service providers and share tips on how to increase subscriber count, open rates and click-through rates.

Email marketing services use blogs as a way to market their applications, but other blogs monetize through affiliate links since software applications offer the best affiliate marketing commissions. Some also offer services and premium email templates.

11. Influencer marketing

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $4.05 – $14.36

Like email marketing, the influencer marketing niche is saturated with blogs run by influencer marketing software companies and blogs who cover all areas of social media marketing.

They monetize through the software applications they offer as well as through courses, marketing reports and services.

12. Social media marketing

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $4.59 – $13.97

Social media marketing blogs cover tips on how to increase follows, likes, comments and shares for all social media platforms, especially Instagram and TikTok.

Most monetize their content with affiliate links for social media software applications, but some also offer coaching and courses. A small portion of bloggers in this niche use ads.


Business blogs


Business is slowly gaining interest over time on Google. In the past, interest consistently hovered in the 60s, but it’s made its way over to the 70s in Google Trends.

13. Starting a business

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $3.01 – $15.00

Blogs in this niche cover everything from coming up with a business idea and obtaining a business license and early funding to strategies small businesses can use to grow early on.

Blogs in this niche typically monetize through one-on-one coaching and consultations as well as books and online courses, though some use affiliate marketing.

Joel Libava’s blog, The Franchise King® is a great example here. Particularly because he’s focused on helping people start a very specific type of business. This is how specific you need to be when deciding on your own niche.

14. Venture capital

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $2.98 – $12.27

The blogs in the venture capital niche are either run by experienced individual venture capitalists or venture capitalist firms. Most use very simple, and sometimes outdated, web design styles.

Individuals monetize their content through books and coaching while firms use their blogs as a way to promote their services.

15. Entrepreneurship

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $2.00 – $7.54

Blogs in the entrepreneurship niche usually center their topics around starting a business as an individual. They also tend to focus on starting a business with the intent to make as much money as possible while working as little as possible.

Books, online courses and coaching are very popular monetization strategies in this niche, though affiliate marketing is common as well.


Health and wellness blogs


Interest in health and wellness is on the rise, according to Google Trends. Interest remains above 70 consistently for most of the year. It has a significant drop during November and December of every year.

16. Detoxing

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $5.62 – $16.00

The detoxing niche is filled with a variety of different archetypes: food bloggers with a focus on recipes that aid the body’s natural detoxification process, detox supplement companies, detox services and clinics who offer detoxing services for addicts.

As such, monetization depends on the archetype running the blog: it could be affiliate links and sponsorships, books and coaching, detoxing products, or paid services.

17. Mental health

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $2.94 – $10.05

Blogs in the mental health niche are either run by individuals sharing their struggles and tips with different mental health disorders or mental health professionals sharing professional tips on the same topics.

They monetize through their own published books, software applications, affiliate links and services.

18. Occupational therapy

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $1.69 – $12.82

The occupational therapy niche is filled with blogs for individuals interested in following this career path as well as blogs filled with advice for those who need this type of therapy.

Monetization usually comes in the form of products, such as online courses, and services.


Web design blogs


Interest in web design is inconsistent, though it has remained in the 60s and 70s over the last couple of years.

19. Website design

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $6.06 – $24.68

Blogs in this niche cover a wide variety of topics related to website design: tutorials on the programming languages websites are made up, advice on how to find clients and tips on what web design styles to use for certain projects.

Some blogs in this niche offer web design services. Others offer courses related to learning website design. Some use other forms of monetization, including affiliate marketing.

20. Best website builders

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $5.20 – $28.09

Believe it or not, there are enough website builders out there to justify making entire blogs about them. These blogs review website builders and create tutorials and guides for them.

Affiliate marketing is a big monetization strategy for these types of blogs.

21. UX design

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $2.46 – $9.59

Blogs about UX design cover topics related to the usability of applications. They offer tips, tutorials, inspiration and even career advice.

Monetization usually revolves around online courses and books that teach UX design.


Technology blogs


Interest in technology is very inconsistent, according to Google Trends. However, while interest does tend to fall to as low as the 50s, it also hits the 80s and higher quite often.

22. Cybersecurity

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $7.66 – $21.79

Cybersecurity blogs publish content related to internet security. They publish their thoughts and opinions on the latest cybersecurity trends, warnings, tips and tricks, and product reviews.

Many monetize their content with ads and sponsorships.

23. PC computers

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.48 – $6.91

Blogs in this niche primarily publish product reviews  on PC hardware, but many also publish industry news and guides.

Ads and sponsorships are popular monetization strategies in this niche with affiliate marketing trailing not too far behind.

24. Smartphones

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.85 – $3.52

Blogs in the smartphone niche publish reviews and user guides for smartphones and smartphone accessories. Some blogs focus on a single operating system, usually Android or iOS.

They monetize their content with ads and sponsorship deals as well as affiliate links.


Education blogs


Interest in education has been very inconsistent over the last five years, though it does hit the 70s and 80s for months on end quite often.

25. SAT prep

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $2.12 – $13.94

Blogs in the SAT prep niche cover study hacks, advice on what to expect, tutorials on how to read your score and improve it, additional advice on the entire process of applying to college, and more.

Monetization usually comes in the form of classes and coaching that offer a more interactive approach to SAT prep.

26. Adult education

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $2.74 – $8.91

Blogs in the adult education niche cover topics related to skills you can learn in your spare time as an adult, tips on how to get your GED, advice on how to study with a busy schedule and more.

These blogs monetize their content with books, courses and affiliate links.

27. Google classroom

Avg. Monthly Searches: 1 million – 10 million | CPC: $0.27 – $1.53

There aren’t many blogs dedicated to Google Classroom. Instead, posts on this topic are published by blogs who cover all areas of online learning. This means there’s a lot of potential in this niche.

Monetization comes in the form of courses as well as affiliate links for Chromebooks, which are devices that use Google’s Chrome operating system and work well with Google Classroom.


Gaming blogs


Gaming has a moderate level of interest on Google. It hovers around at 50 for much of the year and jumps to the 80s and higher around November and December of every year.

28. Mobile gaming

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.15 – $6.54

Blogs in the mobile gaming niche publish roundups for games in different categories, reviews of games, industry news and similar topics.

They mostly monetize their content with ads and sponsorships.

29. PC gaming

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.56 – $2.48

Blogs in the PC gaming niche cover game reviews, PC hardware reviews, PC gaming news and similar topics from the industry.

They monetize their content with ads, sponsorships and affiliate links.

30. VR gaming

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $0.35 – $2.36

Blogs in the VR gaming niche publish reviews on VR games and hardware and share industry news.

They mostly monetize their content with ads and sponsor spots but some use affiliate links when they publish content for hardware.


Sales blogs


The “sales” topic has a consistent level of interest on Google Trends. It hasn’t strayed far from the 60s over the last five years.

31. WooCommerce

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $3.81 – $21.82

WooCommerce blogs publish tutorials for the WooCommerce plugin for WordPress as well as reviews of WooCommerce themes and general ecommerce tips.

They monetize their content with affiliate links and sponsored posts.

32. B2B sales

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $1.61 – $10.27

Blogs in the B2B sales niche publish content that revolves around getting your first sale and increasing your sales. They cover common sales strategies and even share tips on things like leadership and mental wellness.

Some blogs in this niche are run by service based companies. Therefore, these blogs monetize their content by offering to develop sales strategies for companies. Other blogs monetize their content with courses and one-on-one coaching.

33. Ecommerce

Avg. Monthly Searches: 100,000 – 1 million | CPC: $1.92 – $9.77

Blogs in the ecommerce niche mostly cover topics related to ecommerce platforms like WooCommerce, Shopify, BigCommerce, Big Cartel and more. This includes reviews and tutorials. They also cover general ecommerce tutorials and news.

Blogs in this niche monetize their content with affiliate links for products related to the ecommerce platforms they write content for. Some also offer online courses.


Fashion blogs


Interest in fashion has dropped ever so slightly in recent years. Interest stays in the 50s and 60s consistently.

34. Women’s fashion

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $1.52 – $8.74

Women’s fashion blogs publish style guides for looks, gift guides, lifestyle posts and similar content.

They mostly monetize their content with ads, but many also use affiliate links for the fashion products they include in their style guides.

35. Men’s fashion

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $1.73 – $6.46

Men’s fashion blogs are mirrors to women’s fashion blogs in that they feature much of the same type of articles, only with men’s clothing instead of women’s.

They also monetize their blogs in the same way: ads and affiliate links.

36. Plus size fashion

Avg. Monthly Searches: 10,000 – 100,000 | CPC: $1.00 – $3.98

Plus size fashion blogs, like men’s fashion blogs, are just another flavor of fashion blogs. They feature style guides and fashion tips, usually for plus-sized women, though men’s plus size fashion blogs are out there as well.

Like most other fashion blogs, plus size fashion blogs monetize their content with ads and affiliate links.


Final thoughts

That concludes our post on the best blog niche ideas that actually make money, but be wary. Some of these blogging niches are still rather broad in the grand scheme of things.

Search for keywords related to each niche you’re interested in, and run the blogs you find through a domain authority tool like Ahrefs’ Website Authority Checker. That’ll give you an indicator of how competitive each niche is.

You can also run these keywords through a keyword research tool like SE Ranking to view their competitiveness.

Do a bit more research on these niches instead, and find a sub niche within them for your own blog. This sub niche will help you identify your ideal audience.

For example, a niche blog in the mobile gaming blogging niche could create a blog focused on Android games.

If you need help, be sure to read our guide on picking a niche for your blog.

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