
33 Cleaning Products That Work So Well You’ll Wonder If They’re Actually Infused With Pixie Dust

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

If Tinker Bell were to share her cleaning secrets, these items would probs be on her list.

1. portable car vacuum that’ll help you battle the seemingly endless amount of crumbs that somehow make their way in between your seats despite the fact you rarely eat in your car.

Promising review: “I was a little skeptical at first seeing all the mixed reviews but I wish I had taken a pic of my driver side cause that was the worst of it but there was a lot of buildup from me just not having the time or energy to clean my car but this vacuum is AMAZING! You can see the clear difference between those two photos. 11/10 would HIGHLY recommend.” —Kayla

Get it from Amazon for $26.99.

2. Miss Mouth’s Messy Eater Stain Treater Spray you’ll be very glad you bought after you let your kiddo eat spaghetti in public for the first time — trust me.

Promising review: “My 1-year-old has taco meat stains ALL over the sleeves of his shirt. Stains were two to three days old too. I sprayed shirt, let it sit for about 15 mins and then washed shirt with regular laundry soap. Almost every bit of the stains came out. Definitely buying bulk in this product!” —Sloan Avery

Get it from Amazon for $6.19+ (available in a variety of quantities)

3. Retainer cleaning tablets to help restore yours back to its original color (aka not yellow, yikes) and do a much better job at it than your well-intentioned but feeble attempts to brush it with your toothbrush.

M3 Naturals is a small business!

Promising review: “I didn’t take before/after pics because, truthfully, I didn’t expect this to do much. I’ve got a night guard to prevent grinding, and I’ve had it for years now. I’ve cleaned it regularly, brushed it, sanitized it daily, etc., but it was distinctly yellow and opaque, I figured from age. I was about to talk to my dentist about replacing it, but figured I’d give these a try. LET ME TELL YOU. This thing is now clear and clean and almost like new. It definitely wasn’t an instant fix, but it got a little better after each use, and now, it’s unrecognizable. If you’re on the fence, try this. It’s not cheap, but it’s way less than a new dental device!” —Katie

Get a pack of 120 from Amazon for $18.32.

4. A set of Bottle Bright tablets that’ll bring your favorite thermos back to its original shiny state. Your go-to coffee mug will shine brighter than the Chrysler building!

Promising review: “I seriously can’t believe how well these little tablets work. I had the most disgusting Hydro Flask coffee mug; I tried everything — bottle brush, different kinds of soap, vinegar, EVERYTHING — and there was still a seemingly impenetrable layer of black sludge inside. I let a tablet sit in each of my mugs for an hour or two, and the black sludge rinsed out COMPLETELY, without even scrubbing. They look brand-new. What a magical product. No weird smell or taste afterward, either. I liked it so much that I used it on another Hydro Flask I use primarily to hold my Bloody Mary mix in the fridge. I couldn’t put anything else in it because it would always taste like spicy tomato juice. Bottle Bright to the rescue! No residual smell or taste anymore. AMAZING, AMAZING, AMAZING.” —Amazon Customer

Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

5. microfiber spin mop and bucket with over 143,000 5-star reviews on Amazon, which is kinda wild because it’s a MOP.

My husband asked for this mop for Father’s Day and has been telling everyone in his life about it ever since. He adores it! It’s so easy to use, it’s lightweight, and he has no issue squeezing the water out with the spin tool. It’s worked wonders on our wood floors!

Promising review: “I never thought a mop could change my life! This mop cuts at least a half hour off my cleaning time and since I can ring it out so well it does a fabulous job on my hardwood floors without worrying about puddles of water which could do damage! The triangular design is great for corners too! I also like how I can toss the head in the washing machine to clean it. I would highly recommend this mop!” —kheiser67

Get it from Amazon for $34.97.

6. Or washable microfiber mop pads you can use with your Swiffer WetJet, in case you don’t want to invest in another mop and know you can easily make do with the one you’ve already got!

One pad can last up to 100 washes and works on pretty much any surface, from wood to tile to stone. Turbo Mops is a small business!

Promising review: “These are life changing. I used a Rubbermaid spray mop for years that I never really loved and when it broke I got a Swiffer and was using the old Rubbermaid mop cloth pads with it still. They didn’t fit the Swiffer great and I decided to get new ones. These scrub so much better and pick up way more dirt than my other mop pad. I have two dogs and their dried water and drool is around the kitchen and I used to have to scrub to get that up each time. Not with these pads! I never thought I’d swoon over a cleaning product but…here we are :).” —JB

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $22.49.

7. Extra thick magic cleaning pads to help tackle a whole slew of messes in your bathroom by just running it under a little water. Water rings on your vanity counter? Fare thee well. Grime in your shower? See ya later! These lil’ beauties can tackle it all.

Promising review: “I like to leave one of these in the shower and push it around with my foot every few days to keep the soap scum out of the tub. I also like to use them in the bathroom sinks, to clean coffee stains out of coffee mugs, and even clean the bottom of my iron. These are nice and thick and a good value.” —kntheboys

Get a pack of 20 from Amazon for $14.95.

8. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which is an all-purpose cleaning paste that’ll help you tackle all of your messes but make it *~pretty in pink~* at the same time.

After hearing what incredible things The Pink Stuff can do, I finally ordered it and tried it for myself. Honestly, wow! It really does work wonders. I tried it first on my Le Creuset cast iron pan (seen above, right) and really was amazed at how just one pass with The Pink Stuff (and a scouring brush) took off almost every stain! I can’t wait to try it on literally everything in my home that needs a deep cleaning.

Promising review: “Honestly I was very skeptical when I first purchased. Everyone on social media was talking about how amazing this product was for cleaning around the house and I just thought they were all jumping on some kind of band wagon. Of course I caved and had to try it for myself. Needless to say I’m very impressed! It removed stubborn mold and grime from my shower tile grout with use of a hard bristle tooth brush. It removed hard water stains from my sinks and faucets. I noticed it really does remove mineral build up, but it takes a lot of elbow grease and repetitive applications before you start seeing progress. The texture feels similar to when you mix honey with sugar to make a lip scrub, except it’s super fine grit and more pasty like putty or clay. It works amazing so far! No overpowering smell (barely any smell at all), easy to use, and a little product goes a long way. I haven’t tried it on rust yet so we’ll see how that goes. Over all very pleased and impressed so far. Highly recommend!” —Marissa

Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

9. A garbage-disposal foaming cleaner to scrub away the stinky grime that builds up on the blades and in the pipes.


Look at that foam go!

Promising review: “We moved into a townhouse that had a garbage disposal in the kitchen. Never had one growing up and didn’t think too much about it until the funky smell started. I researched ways to clean it and came across these. Decided to order a four pack and try them. THEY ARE LIFE CHANGING. Just run some water, toss the packet in, and turn on the disposal. The little packet does all the hard work for you. I order a new set as soon as we start to run low.” —lucas broshears

Get it from Amazon for $3.67.

10. A set of cleaning K-Cups that’ll rinse away all the coffee grounds from your past beverages and ensure your next ones taste fresher than ever.

Quick & Clean is a small business!

Promising review: “I bought this product because the needle in my Keurig 2.0 keeps clogging, causing inconsistent brew and taste. These cleaning cups fixed both of my issues and I especially liked that it was really quick and easy to use… I put the cleaning pod in and ran one cycle, then took the pod out and ran a rinse cycle to clean out any leftover grinds. FAST, EASY, and GREAT results…VERY HAPPY!!” —Corey West

Get it from Amazon for $9.95.

11. A pack of disposable shower hair catchers to place directly over your drain and toss in the trash when you’re done with it — you won’t have to to think about all the gunk and germs that might linger on a more permanent hair catcher.


Aire Allure is a small business!

Promising review: “I saw these on TikTok and bought them when I was visiting family. Tried them out and left a few behind for family and sent a few home with family — everyone is now ordering them and using them. They work great. Each one is on its own plastic shield. Just peel off and center onto your floor drain. I leave mine on for two to three weeks. I’m the only one using my shower, but if it’s a shared shower probably wouldn’t last that long. It’s still a great way to catch hair before going down the drain, because we all know, people say they use the traps but they really don’t. A must-have!!” —C. Crocker

Get a pack of 25 from Amazon for $10.99 (also available in packs of 50 and and 100).

12. FryAway — a seemingly magical substance you can sprinkle on top of your grease-coated pan and watch as it turns to a solid. No more waiting ages for it to cool, having to grossly scrape it out of your pan with a paper towel, or accidentally clogging your pipes.

Promising review: “This magic powder worked so much better than I expected! I was doing some deep frying in my enamel cast iron pot one night, and when I was done, I poured the powder in the hot oil just as instructed. The stuff dissolved right away and I gave it a quick mix. I ended up putting the lid on and forgetting about it overnight. The next morning it was a solid gel mass. I was expecting it to be the consistency of Jello, but it was actually surprisingly firm! I took a spatula and barely applied pressure to one side to loosen it and the whole entire thing separated in one clean piece without any stray chunks of oil sticking to the pot. Couldn’t have been easier! I have always avoided frying like the plague for the sole reason that I don’t know what to do with the oil afterwards. Now I don’t have to worry about that anymore!” —Sahara

Get it from Amazon for $9.97.

13. A pumice cleaning stone you can count on to make your toilet actually sparkle like a porcelain throne.

Powerstone is a small business!

Promising review: “This product has far exceeded my expectations. We have well water and often get water stains even with an advanced water filtration system. I clean the toilets with bleach heavy toilet cleaners at least biweekly. I was always left with a ‘ring’ that I thought just came with well water toilets. Well. This has changed my life, really. I scrubbed one toilet less than ten minutes and it’s basically brand new. No more nasty toilet rings!! Just try it! BTW I never usually leave reviews, but this thing has made me so happy!! I will never be without this product!” —Nicole

Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

14. An automatic cleaning toilet bowl cartridge to pop into the top of your tank — it’ll last up to three months and clean with every single flush. Now that’s a cleaning product worth testing out.

Promising review: “This works absolutely phenomenal. I would clean the bowl area every weekend like clock work to remove mold or something…Our municipal water system may not inject enough chlorine to prohibit? But toilet cleaning is a breeze now!!! Works on the Koehler new low flush systems…amazing. No chlorine damage to rubber parts either like other devices! Pretty simple instructions to install.” —CdrW

Get it from Amazon for $10.59.

15. A SinkShroom strainer you won’t know how you lived without because it’ll keep your kitchen sink unclogged no matter how much gunk you fill it with.

Heather Braga / BuzzFeed, Amazon

I bought this for myself and OMG. This thing REALLY works. Usually when my husband makes sauce from scratch I’m left with chunks of tomatoes throughout my sink and water that WILL NOT drain — that was until I bought the SinkShroom (which comes from a small business!). My mom was so impressed she bought one, too. It’s a serious game-changer. 

Promising review: “I’ve been a fan of the SinkShroom and TubShroom, and this is the best product from the line so far. My kitchen sinks simply do not clog any more, so there’s no more reaching into a bunch of water to unclog anything with my hand.” —Brady Amerson

Get it from Amazon for $10.42.

16. Angry Orange pet odor eliminator for anyone with an adorable furry friend who is still learning how to control their bladder — this will help banish evidence of accidents (and the lingering smell that goes along with it).

Promising review: “This product is amazing!!!! We have a Rottweiler pup and a bichon pup and our house was feeling the PAIN! I tried everything and use to tell my wife, ‘with all the science and technology in the world we still can’t come up with something that gets rid of the dog mark smell!’ This product does everything and more. Just ordered another round. We were about to throw away some furniture due to the smell and now after use we can keep it. Saved me hundreds. Well worth the money.” —clayton s tonkin

Get it from Amazon for $17.96.

17. Affresh cleaning tablets you can toss into your dishwasher and easily get rid of that yucky smell that seems to appear after a few washes — it’ll banish lime and mineral build-up and leave your dishes nice ‘n’ clean.

I have these tablets and use them all the time! They work especially great after the bottom of my dishwasher has gotten stained with residue from detergent or rusty-looking liquid after I’ve run my baking sheets through the wash. I love knowing I can just pop one into the dishwasher 1, 2, 3, and end up with a clean machine.

Promising review: “After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher, due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and just not getting clean. Then I saw a product test review for Affresh in Good Housekeeping magazine. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway, so I added that to my order. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I am amazed!” —Sheila

Get it from Amazon for $8.98.

18. A box of washing machine cleaning tablets that’ll easily remove any odor-causing residue from inside your machine — you don’t want your clothes to smell, do ya?

Promising review: “This product works great. My clothes were starting to get the damp smell after washing them. I put a tablet in to clean my washer and it works great. The odor from my washer disappeared. Will definitely buy again and recommend to others” —maria phillips

Get it from Amazon for $17.92.

19. Dawn Platinum Powerwash Dish Spray, which smells so freakin’ good you might just get distracted from how wonderfully it works! All you’ll have to do is spray it onto caked on food and grease, wait a lil’, then rinse or wipe it away to reveal a perfectly clean pan. 

I’m actually obsessed with this product I use it on my frying pans and the grill pans from my Griddler (which is ALWAYS a pain to clean). It loosens all the gunk and makes it much easier to clean burnt bits and pieces off. It also really does smell incredible — very fresh and delightful! I’ve even seen a friend use it to immediately remove a coffee stain from a white sweater. it’s incredbile.

Promising review: “This is the best partner in the kitchen!! You need it now and always. Great for hard stains and even for a quick clean. I always have back ups never run out. RUN DON’T WALK TO ADD THIS PRODUCT TO YOUR CART RIGHT NOW.” —Carlos G

Get it from Amazon for $19.27 for a bundle.

20. A soap-dispensing brush that might just make you want to clean your dishes — it looks kinda fun, doesn’t it? It’ll help you clean off any gross bits of food, so even if you don’t have time to toss your dishes into the dishwasher (or you simply don’t own one!) the lingering leftovers won’t cause a smell in your kitchen.

Promising review: “I’m loving this little brush. I had purchased another dish brush a while back from the grocery store and the bristles were so stiff that it often splattered soap everywhere. This one isn’t like that. The bristles are stiff, but soft enough that they tend to cling to what you’re brushing, so they don’t cause that splatter effect. I also like that you can open the whole thing up by taking its top off to refill it, giving you plenty of room to pour in the dish soap. The ability to easily remove and replace the brush is another very handy feature. Both are easy to do and it’s well made, so they’re not likely to come open or undone unexpectedly.” —Elliria

Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

21. A handheld dog shower attachment you can use to host an at-home spa day for you and your pup and prevent your doggo from stinking up the whole place. 

Who says a day of pampering should only be for us humans? This easy-to-use pet wand will help you shower your dog with love (and water) from the comfort of your home. My dog used to hate the car, so taking all 80 pounds of him to the groomer was often a struggle (to say the least). By using this attachment we were able to clean up him up without feeling anxious. The unique wand is curved to provide full coverage while washing your pet. It also has an 8-foot-long flexible hose for extended reach and be used indoors or outdoors.

Promising review: “Our dogs hate baths, so bathing them was always a time-consuming hassle. With this product, it’s quick and easy! Our dogs are working dogs that are out in public all day every day, so we have to keep them looking, smelling and feeling clean to the touch. This product makes that easy for us and our dogs. I would definitely buy it again (but it will probably last for decades) and have already recommended it to family and friends.” —Jonah 1:3

Get it from Amazon for $49.99.

22. A silicone toilet brush with a sturdy drain-cleaning tweezer hidden inside the handle, perfect for helping you keep your bowl clean and assist you in removing the inevitable clumps of gag-worthy, wet hair that always find its way into your drain and smells so bad.


Promising review: “I needed a new toilet brush that would fit in a confined space and didn’t tip over easily. The BOOMJOY toilet brush is stylish — if that is an adjective that can be used to describe a toilet brush — functional, and compact. The silicone bristles seem to do the job they were designed to do.” —Snowlady

Get it from Amazon for $11.99+ (available in 10 colors).

23. Or a Clorox ToiletWand you can use and then toss away — say SEE YA’ to that gross toilet brush hiding in the corner of your bathroom. It’ll leave your toilet smelling fresh as a daisy, since there is Clorox literally built right into it.


I own and cherish this product. It’s a dream knowing the “brush” is fresh and hasn’t been intimate with the inside of my toilet prior to my picking it up again. This set comes with the wand and 16 refills.

Promising review: “The primary reason I decided to purchase the Clorox Toilet Wand was so I could clean under my toilet rims, which I noticed was definitely getting neglected via using the standard toilet brushes to clean. Initially, I was looking for a toilet brush that had the shape needed to actually GET under the rim, and that’s how I found out about it. Now that I’ve used it… I can say without a doubt that’ll I’ll never go back to a regular brush. I like the cleanliness of the disposable brushes as opposed to a regular toilet brush. And I especially like that I don’t have to purchase a second brush with a shape capable of cleaning under the rim, which not only takes up more space, but also would take more time given I’d have to switch back and forth and apply product. With this, I can just clean the entire pot in less than five minutes with the same tool.” —Brittney Nelson

Get it from Amazon for $18.99.

24. And a magnificent toilet cleaning gel stamp from Scrubbing Bubbles, so when you finally get around to thoroughly cleaning your bowl it’ll do the heavy lifting until the next time you think to yourself “when was the last time I cleaned this thing?” and release a fresh scent each time you flush.


I have this product and it really does work! It took me a minute to figure out how to apply it, but after reading the enclosed directions it was a cinch! You quite literally stamp it into the inside of the toilet bowl and leave it be. It smells super refreshing for a long time — as if you’ve cleaned your toilet every time you flush.

Promising review: “Okay I was so confused when I opened this but honestly it’s easy to use and after I completely deep cleaned my bathroom, I tried one of these stamps on my toilet. I was sooo skeptical and was confused how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job.” —Janet

Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.08.

25. A Door-Doc — an odor-preventing front load washer door prop that’ll keep yours opened *just* enough to ensure it doesn’t get a funky, mold-like smell inside.


Door-Doc is a small business! You can see it in action on TikTok.

Promising review: “This is amazing, a simple tool that has helped kill off the smell from my washer. My washer when not closed would swing all the way open, not just a crack. This bad boy leaves it open a few inches so it breathes. The magnet is sturdy enough to hold the door in place but easy enough to pop off if you gently pull the door open.” —Sherry S.

Get it from Amazon for $28.99 (available in two colors).

26. pet hair remover with a unique patented brush design that’ll let you invite guests to sit down without fear of them being covered head-to-toe in your dog’s hair.

ChomChom is a small business!

Promising reviews: “I have a Maine coon and two rabbits. A roomba and the rubber broom. Used daily. Thought maybe this would help, can’t hurt, and now I realize how little both of those things did. My houses air smells cleaner after I’ve gone over all our carpet. Gets everything!” —Brittany Atkinson

Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

27. And a pet deshedding brush you can use to remove any matted fur and loose hair so it won’t end up covering every square inch of your home.

Promising review: “Bear is only 7lbs. He’s little. I got this much hair (pictured above, left) off of him in less than five minutes. It’s my first long haired dog and my first shedding season with him. I’m so happy with this tool. He likes it too! His coat feels great!” —Erin Kelly

Get it from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in four colors).

28. A jetted-tub cleaner that’ll pump out all of the gunk from inside your tub’s jets, which always seem to leave the bathroom smelling a bit mildewed if you go too long without cleaning it. It’s disgusting but oh-so-satisfying when its done!

I personally can vouch for how amazing this product is. I watched with my own eyes as it magically cleared out the gross-ness from my previous apartment’s jetted tub’s pipes. It’s pretty disgusting and incredible. Reviewers, like this one, also love that the product doesn’t have a chemical smell.

Oh Yuk is a small business!

Promising review: “This stuff is amazing! I’ve cleaned my jets recently with laundry detergent (something I saw to do on Pinterest) but it was no match to this life changing cleaner!! Absolutely fabulous. Will be purchasing more and adding it to my cleaning routine! THANK YOU!!” —Stephie B

Get it from Amazon for $18.73.

29. An earth-friendly bathroom cleaner made with tea tree oil (which smells so good) — it’ll prevent soap and scum stains on every surface. Simply spray it after your shower (no need to wipe it off) and let it get to work while you dry off and go about your day.

Amazon, Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

I’ve tested this out in my own bathtub and was blown away by how much unseen gunk came off (seen above, right). I sprayed it and wiped it off like three times before I was satisfied with the cleanliness of my tub — I blame my toddler, who thrives on playing in the dirt. Anyways, it did a great job and I love that it doesn’t have an intense chemical smell to it.

Promising review: “This spray works! I only write a review if I’m really happy with something or really disappointed and I appreciate all whom write reviews. I have been using this spray for a week since cleaning my shower doors and there is NO SCUM. Still looks clean after a week. Usually by the third day my glass shower doors look dirty.” —G. Guill

Get a pack of two from Amazon for $9.69.

30. A bottle of mold and mildew remover, so your bathroom’s grout can resemble the likes of that fabulous resort you’ve been eyeing for your next tropical vacation. Your bathroom is going to smell incredibly clean once you’ve removed all that lingering gunk.

Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

There wasn’t a lot of ventilation in my apartment bathroom, so the grout used to get gunky and gross-looking from the humidity. I had been battling this specific bathroom grime for weeks and tried a whole array of products to no avail. Finally, I purchased Skylarlife Home Mold and Mildew Remover Gel. The results were outstanding. It’s super simple: put on a pair of gloves and apply the clear gel around your grout. Let it sit for five to six hours (I suggest opening all your windows, it’s got a strong smell) then rinse it off with cold water. 

Promising review: “Wow! I would give this 10 stars if I could. We’ve had issues for a few years with the caulking behind the handle of our kitchen faucet turning black from mildew. We’ve scrubbed with what seems like a million different products, with no luck. We were actually just talking about ripping out the caulking and doing a total replacement. But my husband saw this online the other day and decided to order it. Almost immediately when he applied it, you could see it was starting to work. We left it on overnight and the black is COMPLETELY GONE! It’s incredible. 1,000% worth the (small) investment.” —Nicole D.

Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

31. Poo-Pourri room spray that’ll replace any stinky or musty scents in your home with one that simply smells refreshing, clean, and, honestly, just delightful. You can also use it to freshen up any clothing that may have been packed away in storage or hung in your closet for a bit too long.


While most of us have likely used Poo-Pourri’s classic toilet spray at least once by now (and if you haven’t, OMG it will change your life) you may not know they actually make other products that’ll help you solve other stinky problems! 

I’ve been using their air and fabric spray and cannot say enough good things about it. It’s impressive how well it covers a stench. I’ve really put it to the test — I’ve been using it after opening the poop and pee filled diaper pail in my son’s room. Lemme tell you, even the best diaper pail on the market won’t conceal how horrible a dirty diaper smells when you open it to throw out another one. Honestly, the smell lingers and quickly fills the air. Which is where the air spray comes in. I literally only spritz it once and the stink of the diapers disappears! 

In addition to keeping it beside my changing table, I’ve also added it into my bathroom’s necessities. It’s simply fantastic, smells great, and gets the job done!

Get it from Amazon for $10.19+ (available in four scents).

32. And a Poo-Pourri toilet spray, so in the event someone is about to get *very* intimate with your bathroom they can spritz this directly into the toilet beforehand and avoid 1. embarrassment and 2. stinking up your entire home.


Not to get *too* detailed about my bathroom situation, but I can assure you this stuff really works. I currently work in the room directly next to the main bathroom in our home, which is not been the most fun (as you can imagine). However, I’ve introduced Poo-Pourri into our home and it’s made a huge difference. You only need one or two sprays directly into your toilet before you *do your business* for it to cover up any unpleasant smells. My husband even walked into the bathroom once and said “it smells so good in here” and I promptly said “AHA! IT’S THE POO-POURRI!” He said “ew” and walked away — but it is proof it really works!

Get it from Amazon for $9.19 (available in two scents).

33. A pet stain and odor remover, so when your furry friend gets a little too excited that you just got home and decides to pee all over your shoes, it’s sort of OK.

Promising review: “This is one product that really delivers. It was put to the test when our pup had several bouts of diarrhea on the cream/gray woven wool rug in our bedroom. The stains had several hours to soak in before we discovered them. I’ve posted both before and after photos. Although I had to spray and blot with a towel multiple times, the stains are virtually gone. The scent of Rocco & Roxie is pleasant and all traces of the nasty smell are gone. If you have an indoor pet, you NEED to buy this stuff. It cleans better than anything I’ve used before.” —msgrafix

Get it from Amazon for $19.31.

Some reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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