
28 Products For Anyone Who Fervently Believes That A Clean Home Is A Happy Home

We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

28 Products For Anyone Who Fervently Believes That A Clean Home Is A Happy Home

Your toilet will be so clean you can eat off it. JK please don’t.

1. carpet cleaner so you don’t have to have an absolute meltdown if you (or your child or pet) make a horrible mess. Fear not! This magic formula takes care of even the most stubborn stains. Kevin from The Office really could’ve used this when he spilled all that chili… 

Promising review: “Better than the best! Yes, we did purchase it to clean the rugs in our motorhome, and it reliably cleans them like new. Beyond rugs, try it for clothing spots, as it’s better than those stocked on grocery store shelves and leaves zero residue. Blot the moisture out, let dry, and it’s ready to wear. If you have pets, order the large size, which you’ll find indispensable. It doesn’t take much to do the job, just a little spritzing; wait a few moments, and rub with a clean rag or towel for rugs. My order included two bottles; I loaned one to a friend to try and now she won’t give it back.” —Sharon l. smith

Get it from Amazon for $6.65+ (also available in multiple packs).

2. Wet & Forget shower cleaner that requires NO scrubbing! Just quickly spray the areas in your bathroom that could use some brightening up and then rinse off the next day. Work smarter, not harder, peeps! 

Promising review: “This may be the best thing I have ever bought off of Amazon. And I buy quite a bit. This was something I needed and didn’t even know it! Long story short, the tub in my kids’ bathroom was atrocious, due to spotty cleaning and hard water. I bought this with a heavy dose of skepticism, even though the reviews were mighty impressive. On the back of the bottle, it says that you may need several daily applications before your tub is clean, and then you can switch to weekly application. I’m on day three, and let me say, even if this stuff worked no further, I AM BLOWN AWAY. The shower looks close to new. A couple more days, and I’ll be able to switch to weekly! I won’t post pictures because I’m embarrassed of how bad it looked before. But seriously, I am SO happy to have discovered this product, and I plan to keep on using it.” —Tee

Get it from Amazon for $20.98.

3. A grout pen to brighten up your tiles that could use a little TLC. You can use this in the bathroom, kitchen, or wherever you have tile and want to clean up a bit. 

Promising review: “I just bought my first house, and because of COVID, I did not have the funds I wanted to fix it. This was cheap, and the backsplash in my new kitchen was an eyesore. I wasn’t expecting much because of the price, and I was stunned. My kitchen looks so much better! It was easy to use, had no odor, and was quick! I did two coats because the color was dark brown. In some places I did more, but I didn’t mind doing it because it was satisfying.” —Kim

Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (also available with a wide tip).

4. A bundle of the Pink Stuff all-purpose paste and spray you KNOW is good, because TikTok loves this stuff! This formula magically reverses wall markings, cooked-on grease, soap scum, shoe scuffs, and whatever else needs a little extra love. 

Promising review: “WOW!!!! This stuff is amazing. I have to spray it, let it sit for a few minutes, come back, and depending on what I’m using it for, I either wipe it and it comes right off, or I just use a scrubbing pad and it comes off. There’s nothing out there that is anywhere in comparison to this product!!!! This stuff is the absolute best. I highly recommend purchasing this. I can tell you that half of my cleaning products will now be thrown out because all I need is The Pink Stuff. Whoever invented this stuff is an absolute genius; if you’re a clean freak like me, this is the way to go. Also, it doesn’t have that nasty chemical smell; it smells great. Just buy it; you won’t regret it.” —Twin33

Get the original cleaning paste and multi-purpose spray from Amazon for $16.99.

5. A reusable pet hair remover because at this point, you have forgotten the original color of your couch because it is entirely covered in your pet’s fur. 

Promising review: “I was cautiously optimistic, but this tool is as effective as everyone says. My couches, and especially my recliner, look brand-new. It takes little to no effort to use. Just use it in a ‘scrubbing’ type motion, and it catches and traps the fur (and other small debris, such as crumbs…) in the little compartment. Pop it open and empty it out. Done.” —Ian K.

Get it from Amazon for $27.99.

6. A fireplace cleaner kit to get your fireplace back to its original color by stripping away old soot and smoke damage.

And by kit, I mean a brush and 16-ounce bottle of nontoxic fireplace cleaning formula.

Promising review: “Unbelievable! My daughter just moved into her first home. She thought she would have to paint her brick fireplace because of the heavy soot stains that had been there for years. We applied the product twice and put in a whole lot of elbow grease, but what a difference!! It’s a messy process, but well worth the time and energy.” —MM

Get it from Amazon for $18.99.

7. A pack of Keurig cleaning cups because if you’re anything like me, you almost certainly haven’t ever thought of cleaning your beloved coffee machine. Just pop this in and see all that gunk that has been building up (ew). 

Promising review: “This is an excellent product that I cannot say enough good things about. I had thrown away my current Keurig machine, thinking it was broken. I decided to try to resurrect it using these cleaners, and I am glad I did! One cup took care of years of neglect on my part (lesson learned). Because there was so much cleaning, I used two cups, and now the machine works perfectly. I’m so glad I discovered this product and highly recommend it. I am thinking of a three-month interval to keep the machine in good condition. Thank you so much!” —Susan

Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in packs of 6, 12, and 18).

8. A jetted tub cleaner for getting rid of soap scum, body wash residue, and other gunk from those impossible-to-reach crevices of your jets in about 15 minutes.

Promising review: “Thanks for making my life easier! I used this product according to the directions and wowza!! I’m now completely satisfied that I’ve got the yuck out of my lines, and ports are clean. It’s safe to take a bath once again.” —Prajana

Get it from Amazon for $18.73.

9. A screen-cleaning kit because you deserve to watch Real Housewives in complete clarity. There’s no alcohol or ammonia in this either, so you don’t have to worry about scratching surfaces or leaving any streaks!

This kit includes: a microfiber cleaning cloth plus the cleaning solution!

Promising review: “I know that at this point it is a bit redundant to write a gushing review (in light of all of the others on here), but I really cannot say enough good things about this stuff! I never thought that I would find a product that would bring my beloved Samsung TVs back to their original luster. I have tried several cleaners, but they all left annoying streak marks that really made things worse than better. One day, when the sun was shining particularly brightly on my living room TV, exposing all of the circular streaks and smudges, I decided that I had enough, and was going to try something else. I went on Amazon and almost immediately found this stuff. After reading some of the glowing reviews, I decided that I would try it out, and I am so glad that I did. The sun was shining in on the TV again today, and the stunning clarity of the screen led me back to my laptop to order some extra cloths to use to wipe down the black glass TV stand separately, haha. I figured I would leave a review as well, while I was still basking in the newness of it all. Say it with me: ‘NO MORE STREAKS, NO MORE SMEARS, NO MORE SMUDGES, NO MORE TEARS!'” —Sarah

Get the kit from Amazon for $14.97.

10. A bag of lemony-fresh garbage disposal cleaner that eliminates odors with its cool foaming action. People love it because it removes all that nasty sink gunk while it deep cleans.

Promising review: “I was ready to call a plumber for my disposal but thought I’d try this first. One go and the unit is back to perfect working order. It just bubbles up bright blue and does its thing. I don’t know what was clogging up the disposal, but it’s not there anymore. I’m happy and will run one of these little packets regularly now.” —Jukesgrrl

Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78+ (also available packs of 6 and 16).

11. A pack of dishwasher-cleaning tablets if your dishwasher is full of residue that is causing funky smells and less-than-optimal cleaning results. After all, the thing that cleans your dishes has to be clean too, right?

Promising review: “After using this product, I am happy to report that my $5 investment saved me over $500. I was ready to replace my dishwasher due to super cloudy glasses, residue, and dishes not getting clean. Then, I became aware that the water softener was no longer working, so I had the rental company replace it. Dishwasher performance improved somewhat. Then, I saw a product test review for Affresh. I was ordering some stuff from Amazon anyway so I added that to my order. When it came, I tossed one of the tablets into the bottom of the full machine per the instructions and ran the regular cycle. I did not expect the results I got! The glassware that I thought was permanently etched and ruined came out like new. Same with cutlery. The difference is unbelievable. I will use this faithfully every month, as recommended. I can even put it on my subscribe and save order so I will get a new pack every six months. I am amazed!” —Sheila

Get six-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

12. A bottle of pet stain and odor removing spray that’s so helpful if your home is starting to smell like a urinal after too many accidents inside. My dog has a health condition that makes her pee all the time, and this spray has been a total game-changer for when she accidentally pees on the carpet.

Promising review: “If I could give 10 stars I would. I’ve now had Rocco & Roxie’s Professional Strength Stain & Odor Eliminator for about a week. I am very satisfied. It does exactly what they say that it does, completely removes pet urine smell.” —Tami E.

Get it from Amazon for $19.31.

13. A stainless steel cleaner and polish sure to get rid of any smudges, fingerprints, grease, and streaks from the outside of your appliances. After using this, it’ll look like you have a brand-new kitchen! 

Promising review: “I won’t buy any other cleaner for my fridge. I tried LITERALLY every cleaning product that would not get the scuffs out. Saw this on TikTok, decided to try. Only thing that works! If you’re hesitant, DON’T be and this will not let you down.” —lakerfant

Get it from Amazon for $18.95.

14. A blind cleaner brush if you’ve never even considered dusting your blinds (tbh, I hadn’t either ’til writing this). You will be SHOCKED by just how dusty it gets up in there.


Promising review: “Where has this tool been all my life? This is a quick, inexpensive way to clean vinyl blinds. The tool is so easy to use that we have added the chore to my 9-year-old son’s list. We also use it on our metal indoor heat/air vent. Love that the tool comes with washable replacement dusters.” —mastermom

Get it from Amazon for $6.99 (available in two colors).

15. An oil-stain remover for when you have a chili-spilling-level oil disaster happen in your garage or on your driveway.

Promising review: “Changed the oil on my girlfriend’s car and some oil spilled on my NEW driveway…which I didn’t notice ’til four days later. Four spots all about the size of a dollar bill baking in the Arizona sun for four days. Found this searching on Amazon and I thought, whatever. That’s one less vodka soda tonight for dinner. Put the stuff on (sits on the stain like pancake batter — don’t be afraid to pour liberally) and let it sit from 6 p.m. ’til about 9 a.m. the next day. It dried and the instructions said to just sweep the stuff up (right, like I am not going to need a scraper and wire scrub pad for an hour. HA). Well it broke apart with the broom and the stains were gone, just swept up the powder pieces — took about a minute. I WAS SHOCKED! Something that actually works on oil and it’s easy. Absolutely NO sign of anything that was there. My driveway is smooth concrete so I can’t vouch for what would happen with a rougher surface but whoever makes this stuff is a genius. If they tried to take on World Peace, Earth would be a better place.” —AmazonBob

Get it from Amazon for $17.97.

16. A  pumice stone to scrub away hard water marks from your toilet, grill, tiles, grout, and more without using harsh chemicals or scratching surfaces.

Promising review: “We rented a home and the toilets were disgusting. Someone suggested a pumice stone and let me tell you it was amazing!! The picture is after just five minutes with the stone. I tried bleach, every toilet bowl cleaner available, and countless hours of scrubbing to no avail…but this stone worked instantly! I will be buying several more!! The stone does dissolve when scrubbing so you need a couple. I was able to do almost two toilets completely that looked awful with one stone!!” —CristaCross

Get it from Amazon for $11.63.

17. A watermark remover cloth if you scored an awesome coffee table at an estate sale, but the previous owner was clearly not a “coaster person.” (Tbh, I’m not either, so no judgment).

Promising review: “I was heartbroken when my antique (1929) liquor table got these huge water marks on it. I did a lot of searching for ways to remove the spots but nothing worked. I saw this product and figured I’d give it a try. The marks are GONE after maybe 5-10 minutes of rubbing this miracle cloth on my table. I’m over-the-moon happy!” —Kim R 

Get it from Amazon for $6.85.

18. A robotic vacuum that creates a map of your home so it knows where to go (and where not to go) when sweeping up crumbs, dust, and dirt. Sorry plug-in vacuum, your days are over thanks to this handy fella. 

Promising review: “I have had two Roomba vacuums. They were very loud and were constantly getting stuck. I would put pillows to block the areas where they would most likely get stuck. They usually found another area to get stuck. We were happy when they finally stopped working. I bought this vacuum on Black Friday because it was $100 off. I had low expectations and planned to return it if it got stuck in any of the usual places. I was amazed by this vacuum, it is very quiet and never gets stuck and because of its lower profile, it goes under furniture that blocked the Roomba. It does take three times longer to vacuum a room as it takes with our upright, but it does a better job.” —Ken

Get it from Amazon for $319.99 (also available in white).

19. A pack of restorative outdoor wipes because you’re sick of looking at clouded windows and doors that have taken a hit from the weather. Each wipe is saturated with a formula that reverses oxidation and sun damage to restore plastic, stone, and metal surfaces, leaving them looking brand spankin’ new. 

Promising review: “My metal barstools were left on the balcony all winter because of a surprise three-day blizzard. After being buried in snow all winter I thought for sure I would have to throw them out when I saw them in the spring. Looking at them now after using the product, no one would suspect that they weren’t new ones!” —Mom@home

Get it from Amazon for $13.05.

20. A can of fume-free oven cleaner, so you can get rid of even the most stubborn grease stains and food messes without making yourself cough up a lung from all the nasty fumes (because there are none)!

Promising review: “This stuff is amazing. Spray, wait, wipe, done. I did use steel wool to scrub off some stubborn stuck-on bits but the scrubbing effort was minimal and there was some nasty stuff stuck on there after six years of use. The end result was definitely worth the minimal effort. Also, way better than heating and stinking up my whole house with my oven’s self-clean setting.” —Brenna

Get it from Amazon for $8.98.

21. A pack of extra thick magic cleaning pads to take down pretty much any mess imaginable. Got a scuff on your shoe? Impossible-to-clean grime on your stove? Just run this thing under some water, wipe down the surface, and watch the magic happen. 

Promising review: “My significant other works with machinery and builds cars/engines as a hobby. This stuff is AMAZING — literally, nothing else works this way. NOTHING! I suggest this to everyone I know because it slams the competition. Just add water, squeeze out excess, and you have heavy artillery cleaning magic at your disposal! Never ceases to amaze me!” —Ouroboros_0_o

Get a 20-pack from Amazon for $12.56.

22. microfiber mop and bucket system that features a built-in foot-pump wringer, allowing hands-free wringing when you’re cleaning floors. What’s more, is that it can get rid of more than 99% of bacteria just with water AND the mop head is machine washable!

Promising review: “I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn’t cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog that makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (because it was that dirty — please don’t judge) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren’t quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!” —Molly

Get it from Amazon for $34.43.

23. A cooktop-cleaning kit if you are haunted by stove top stains of meals past. This set of tools will help you scrape off years of grime without leaving scratches on the surface. I mean, the before and after pics speak for themselves. 

Promising review: “Works amazing! I hadn’t thoroughly scrubbed my glass cooktop in years…only wiped down with random multi-cleaners, which never seemed to do much. Then a friend recommended this product…AMAZING! The included scrubbers and scrapers really make the difference. As others have said it will leave your cooktop shiny and new. Even marks that had been on there for years came almost completely off…98% better. The key is to use very little product. Let dry to a haze and wipe with a clean, dry cotton towel. (Just like waxing a car.) If you aren’t getting a mirrored finish it’s because you’ve used too much product and not enough elbow grease to polish off.” —B. Swartwood

Get it from Amazon for $11.48.

24. A 12-pack of water bottle cleaners because let’s face it, there is probably a whole ecosystem of little critters living in your water bottle at this point, and even they want to be cleaned.

Promising review: “I cleaned out a favorite stainless mug. It had tea stains that would not succumb to scrubbing with an abrasive sponge. I used one of these tablets with very hot water and in 15 minutes the mug looked better than new.” —Eigil D Rothe

Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

25. A Bissell Little Green Portable Carpet Cleaner that you can easily take from room to room. This machine’s powerful spray and suction functions will leave carpets, upholstery, and even car interiors looking brand-spankin’ new!

This vacuum comes with a tough stain tool, a HydroRinse self-cleaning hose tool, an 8-ounce bottle of Spot and Stain with Febreze, and a 1-year limited warranty. The Spot and Stain is also available solo on Amazon for $16.99!

Promising review: “Honestly, this is a nice little gadget. Since buying it, I’ve reached for it more than I realized. My son is 4 and has had several spills, potty accidents, and even walking mud through the house. Every time an accident occurred it was nice knowing I had this in my arsenal to combat the mess. Honestly, I can’t believe I didn’t get this sooner. It makes cleaning messes a breeze and has removed stains from my carpet. Worth every penny. And I would highly recommend it. I plan to use this to help me clean the interior of my car next.” —Meshelly

Get it from Amazon for $98.59.

26. A makeup brush-cleaning shampoo, to help get rid of months and months of buildup in the bristles that can contribute to breakouts. This stuff will condition your favorite makeup tools back to their fluffy former glory — easy peasy.

Heather Braga / BuzzFeed

Promising review: “Best, most affordable brush and sponge shampoo on the market! No joke, I have tried everything; even homemade hacks like dish detergent mixed with olive oil. Nothing works like this brush shampoo. Don’t waste your money on the Beautyblender soap and other big-name brands.” —Lily

Get it from Amazon for $6.96.

27. A cordless robotic pool cleaner because you and the fam are going to be spending loooots of time in the pool this summer. Once charged and submerged in the water, this gadget functions like an underwater robot vacuum, sucking up any dirt and debris in its path. After about 90 minutes of tidying up, the pool cleaner will make its way to the edge of the pool so you can retrieve it with the included hook *without* getting wet. Tbh, I feel like this guy would be friends with Wall-E…He’s so helpful!,

Promising review: “What a difference this robotic pool cleaner makes in my life! No more wrestling with vacuum hoses. This little guy charges in a couple of hours and runs long enough to vacuum my whole pool. Just drop it in and watch it take off. It stops when the battery is spent, and the handy hook included makes retrieval easy. The suction has been strong enough to pick up sand, small leaves, and the occasional pebble. Cleaning it is quick. Snapping it back together requires attention to make sure the sides are fully closed, but that is not a problem. Just be sure you realize that this model is for flat bottom pools only. This model does not have the power to climb inclines.” —Christy

Get it from Amazon for $199.99+ (available in two colors).

28. And finally, a power scrubber with stiff bristles to help you tackle the messes that have been a long time in the making. Soap build-up and shower grime have nothing on this handy-dandy tool.

Natalie Brown / BuzzFeed

Promising review: “I’m obsessed! This thing works small miracles: I cleaned about half of my bathroom’s grout to its original sparkling-clean cream color in 40 minutes, and it took honestly no effort at all. And — as if easy, sparkling grout wasn’t enough! — it busted through some serious soap scum buildup in my bathtub (thanks, fancy soap and slow-draining tub) in less than a minute.

“Honestly, when I first tried the scrubber out, I didn’t see too many uses for it other than for grout. But after owning it for a while, I’ve realized that while I don’t need it every single week, it’s priceless for the occasions I encounter tough gunk that I’d otherwise only conquer with excessive patience and elbow grease.” —Natalie Brown, BuzzFeed Editor

Get it from Amazon for $19.99.

Read Natalie’s full review of the Rubbermaid Reveal Power Scrubber here.

Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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