
20 Essential Products From Target New Parents Need To Just Buy Already

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20 Essential Products From Target New Parents Need To Just Buy Already

When you’re this tired, you need something that works already.

1. A Halo sleep sack — better known as the only blanket/swaddle combo I will ever use. Getting a tight swaddle in the middle of the night is a near-impossible task. This brand has perfected the swaddle and blanket dilemma, and this particular model is temperature regulating, so you can rest easy — for an hour or two — knowing baby is at least comfortable. It also grows with your baby because it’s designed to help the swaddle transition by allowing for hands up and then arms out. Yes, please!


I have tried *alloftheswaddles* and am a brand loyalist to this one. Most of the Velcro ones are way too hot, swaddling a regular blanket comes apart quickly, and others are just too complicated. These sleep sacks zip up and down and are the perfect blanket, while blankets are unsafe in the crib. 

Promising review: “My newborn has refused to sleep any more than 15–30 minutes at a time and cluster feeds. Tonight was my first time using this swaddle and she’s finally sleeping! I also love that the Velcro is phenomenal quality! Other swaddles made it easy to wiggle her arms out of, but not this one! The material is lightweight as well and won’t cause overheating. I absolutely recommend this product as a mom of seven.” —Ashley

Price: $29.99+ (available in two sizes and four patterns)

2. A sound machine and night-light combo that connects to your phone for optimal control and years of use. The sounds are gentle and can be adjusted through the app. It can be bright enough to work as a night-light for late-night feeds, and eventually, it can double as a wake-up light as your child transitions to the big kid bed — saving you from the jarring 5 a.m. 2-inches-from-your-face whisper, “Can I get up yet?” Nothing like making sleep just a bit easier for everyone.


Promising review: “This Hatch sound machine is great! It is excellent quality and helps my baby sleep soundly. I even enjoy it myself. I really like how smooth the sounds are. They are also very realistic. It is very user friendly which is what I was looking for. There are many different settings to choose but I really love the continuous play all night long. It is so convenient to be able to control it through my phone.” —kn

Price: $59.99

3. A Roku streaming device with headphones so you can quietly stream to your heart’s content while you’re nap trapped. Enjoy the snuggles AND whatever show you’ve fallen behind on.


Promising review: “So glad I ordered the Roku Ultra! We’ve had the express for years, and it got to where our Wi-Fi wouldn’t connect. This Ultra works great!! Definitely worth the price! I love how you can change the volume on the remote instead of using a regular TV remote. Also, you can use headphones plugged into the remote, which is great for when the kids are watching TV. Super easy to set up.” —a2392

Price: $89.99 (originally $99.99)

4. A wipeable changing pad cover that’ll make cleaning up your first-of-many pee-outs quick and easy to wipe up. Just quickly wipe down the cover and go about your day (or night).


Fun story: when you open up a diaper, the sudden change in temperature can cause newborns to start peeing. I have had newborn changing sessions go through about four diapers until we finally got a clean one. Having a changing pad that can be easily wiped down without soaking is truly a game-changer. I loved them so much that I tossed every other type of cover I had.

Promising review: “I absolutely love this changing pad cover; the wipeable feature is a game-changer. As a second-time mom, this item is a must-have. It is so easy to clean, comfortable for baby, and I don’t have to change the cover as often as I do with my covers. It’s so easy to wipe clean and holds up well in the washing machine as well. You will not regret buying this for your little one.” —Sunshine1227

Price: $16.99 (also available in an animal print, green floral, and solid gray)

5. A manual breast pump for collecting extra milk from your letdown. Every ounce of that ~liquid gold~ matters and this pump is an awesome way to keep every drop of your milk.


It uses suction and is easy to use and clean. For parents who can nurse, this is an awesome way to get everything you can out of your supply. The pump suctions to the breast while baby nurses on the other side, keeping suction, stimulating production, and collecting extra drips because — and this was news to me as a parent who had never nursed — milk will definitely drip no matter which side you’re using. 

Promising review: “I was recommended this by my lactation consultant for late-night engorgement relief. My newborn has been sleeping for up to five hours at a time at night, which is great for sleep, but leaves my breasts very engorged by the time baby is ready to feed next. I had been pumping in between feeding sessions, but was getting tired of the discomfort and cleaning tiny parts after each pumping session. This product is a game changer! I get just as much milk from my Haakaa as I do from my pump. The Haakaa is A LOT more comfortable and doesn’t leave me sore. It is a lot more convenient to clean too! I was worried that it would be hard to pour milk from the Haakaa to milk storage bags, but the spout is basically like a funnel and gives surprisingly good pouring control. I wish I would have gotten this product sooner!” —Emily O

Price: $27.99 (available in two stopper colors)

6. A bottle warmer because it’s not the 1970s anymore and you NEED to cut the time heating bottles down to mere minutes. When I unexpectedly started my formula feeding journey, we did it the old-school way of boiling water, then putting the bottle into the bowl with the water, then waiting for it to heat up. When we finally were getting more sleep and, therefore, thinking properly we got a bottle warmer and THE CHANGE. Save yourself from getting screamed at by a hangry baby, and get yourself a bottle warmer.


Getting a bottle warmer that can warm a variety of bottles — rather than brand-specific — allows for flexibility while you’re figuring out which bottles work for your baby. When I was starting out I didn’t realize just how many bottle brands I’d go through before finding one that my baby would both take and avoid gas from. It’s a journey! This one also works as a sterilizer, which saves you one more product. 

Price: $59.99

7. A formula mixing pitcher, aka an absolute game-changer for avoiding gas and getting formula ready, like, ~yesterday.~ I didn’t have this for my first baby, and when I had my second, I couldn’t believe how much time I’d wasted the first go around. Now, I send this to every parent I know when they start their formula journey.


The formula comes out clump-free, can be made up to 24 hours in advance, and has no bubbles which can lead to gas. 

Promising review: “I love this pitcher; it is the perfect size. Easy to use, so you can store formula for the whole day and it gets rid of air bubbles in the milk. If you have a baby registry, make sure to add this gift.” —Rhonda

Price: $9.99 (available in three colors)

8. A bathtub kneeling pad to protect your knees while you work out all the kinks of bathing baby. Give yourself a little rest as you hang over the bath, keeping them upright as newborns, or sit through long bath time play sessions as they grow.


Promising review: “It really does save your elbows and knees! I also love that it has a pocket.” —sneel326

Price: $29.99

9. A bath spout cover that’ll keep those little noggins safe when your kiddos inevitably try to breach like a whale or flip their hair like a mermaid. The tub spout gets in the way surprisingly often, and this cute solution is a winner. It’s also dishwasher safe, so you don’t have to worry about mildew.


Promising review: “This is a must-have for parents and caregivers of little ones! Not only is it so cute and fun for kids to look at, but it also covers your hard and often sharp-edged spout in case of slips in the tub! An adorable way to have some extra peace of mind during bath time. This easily fits over our standard-sized spout with no problems.” —Courtney

Price: $11.29+ (available in two colors)

10. An electric nail buffer because there is nothing more nerve-shattering than trying to trim those tiny paper nails. Not only can you save the drama of actual clippers, but it includes an LED precision light, has a quiet motor in case you do the job while baby is sleeping, and it stores easily. Say goodbye to sobbing uncontrollably for pinching baby’s finger AND scratch marks all over your chest because you CAN have both.


This buffer grows with your baby, with four different buffer pads for different age ranges. 

Promising review: “SO EASY and quick! Baby was sleeping and didn’t even flinch. 🥰” —Marissa

Price: $27.99

11. A bouncer and seat combo — an absolute must-have to save you from hours of bouncing in desperation. Along with bouncing *magic,* a bouncer also allows you to safely set the baby down off the floor for much-needed adult bathroom breaks. For added value, it even has a toy bar *and* is super durable. Your knees will thank you.


If you haven’t had a baby yet, logistics can be hard to plan ahead for. One of the bigger ones I never thought about until I was home alone with this tiny baby was “What do I do when I need to use the restroom?” This chair ended up being perfect because I could set my baby in it and even bring it into the bathroom if needed. Both of my kids were also gassy babies and I cannot understate how much gassy babies love to bounce. A bouncer gave me a bouncing break and the mental break I needed with a newborn. 

Promising review: If there is a baby must-have item I could recommend to other moms, it’s this one! My daughter absolutely loves it. I was scared of the color she’d sit on being white as she has had a few accidents, but I have washed it several times and not only is it easy to get back to white but the quality is amazing!” —Mary

Price: $69.99 (available in three colors)

12. A set of bibs with pockets that’ll make introducing solids so much less messy. These bibs catch tons of crumbs, wipe easily, and provide a very cute mid-meal snack pouch for curious babes.


When it comes to starting solids, don’t be fooled by cute cloth ones you used for milk spills. You need heavy duty, you need something that can be washed easily, and you REALLY need the pocket. Take it from me. 

Promising review: “I love these Cloud Island silicone bibs! The pockets are large to catch food, easy to clean, and easy to put on. We use them several times a day and have held up well going through the dishwasher.” —Brittany P

Price: $9.99 for a two-pack (also available in pink and blue hues and in a green nature theme)

13. A set of self-feeding “spoons” to help teach utensil use early without the need for advanced fine motor skills. These spoons are meant to grow with your baby as they get more confident with solids — making them an investment that makes sense.


Price: $13.99 for two spoons (also available in packs of four and six)

14. A set of fruit slicers to help you cut up fruit quickly and with zero hassle — whether it’s for you or a baby working on solids. Slice apples and oranges without feeling like you’ve finished a cardio workout. This set even includes a slicer for the always-time-consuming mango!


“For a long time, I’d been making a mess when I cut fruit. It always looked pretty tacky. The Cuisinart works perfectly as advertised. This is a must for anyone who cuts up fruit.” —PSLSanta

Price: $16.99 for three slicers

15. A crib rail cover because honestly who knew that babies turn into literal beavers when they start teething? When my oldest started teething, I noticed gnaw marks all over the crib and was immediately horrified at the chips in the wood. I bought some rail covers and they saved my nerves, my crib, and I’d like to hope my kiddo’s teeth. You have literally no time to deal with sawdust.


Promising review: “I bought these because my baby was starting to bite the rails of the crib, and the paint was starting to chip off into his mouth. These have been a lifesaver! They are easy to put on and take off. I throw them in the wash every once in a while and they fit back on perfectly. My baby can sometimes untie the knots, but for the most part, he doesn’t. My baby chews on these, and they do get pretty wet sometimes, but the crib stays in perfect condition.” —TarJ

Price: $13.59 for the long rail cover (covers for the sides sold separately)

16. A tried-and-true snot extractor that’ll save you sleep and stress when little one has a stuffy nose. This set includes saline and extra filters to keep baby’s nose clear and your nerves less frayed.


This is the one thing that people balk at until they actually have a stuffed-up kid. I get it. It’s on the gross side when you put too much thought into it. But the filter helps keeps germs away from you, and the relief is immediate. This is one of the many times you’ll be putting your pride away in the name of your kids. 

Promising review: “I LOVE THIS NOSEFRIDA!!! My son used this when he was 6 months old, and now he’s a 1-year-old and this was the only thing that got all the snot out! The nose bulb just upset him because he had to keep having it done over and over because it didn’t quite get everything all out. The Nosefrida got it all out in one go, and he’s breathing better already and ready for a good night’s sleep! If you’re saying it’s too expensive or you’re debating, DON’T! Just buy it! It’s worth the buy!” —Jay J

Price: $14.99

17. And an easy-to-use no-touch thermometer for when you want to obsessively check for a fever (“Are they warm? They’re warm. Let me just check — oh wait, no they’re fine. But ARE they? Let me check.”) This thermometer reads in two seconds and can even be used to check bath water temperature, making it even more useful!


Promising review: “I have used this thermometer for about a year now, and it has held up better than any other one we’ve used — and we’ve used so many different ones.” —Urias92

Price: $39.99

18. A Tushbaby Hip Seat Baby Carrier designed to give you tons of extra support for all of that hip carrying you’ll find yourself doing. Along with evenly distributing baby’s weight, it also has storage for diapers, wipes, keys, a wallet, and a phone, AND includes a bottle holder. Give your back a break and enjoy so many more baby snuggles.


This amazing product holds kids from 8 to 45 pounds, is machine washable, and has four different carrying positions: facing out, facing in, hip carrying and nursing, and breastfeeding and burping. 

Promising review: “I have four children from 13 years–13 months. I wish I HAD THIS FOR ALL OF THEM WHEN THEY WERE BABIES! This has been a lifesaver and is so easy to use and store. My 13-month-old has been sick and teething, refusing to be put down. My arms, hips, and back were killing me until my sister-in-law gifted me this TushBaby! I cannot imagine life without it!!! A must, coming from a mother of four!” —NM mom

Price: $84.99 (available in two colors)

19. A shaded playpen to help keep your baby safe outdoors. It’s easy as a new parent to feel trapped inside until baby starts crawling, but this playpen will allow you to get outdoors without having to worry about whatever they put into their mouth.


Promising review: “Super easy to assemble! I’ve used it at the beach, at the park, etc. Great as a shady spot for a baby or a safe space for my young toddler.” —Trish

Price: $149.99 (available in three colors)

20. A portable sound machine for babies who need a little white noise to settle into nap time (*psst* that’s most babies). I used a portable sound machine as the only sound machine for the entirety of both my kids’ first years, and we still bring one when we travel in case they have a hard time sleeping. They’re a great tool to keep in the diaper bag!


This sound machine has four sound options and has a convenient clip for hanging. 

Promising review: “Functional and cost-effective.” —Defeated

Price: $9.99

The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.

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